Scales/Plating (Common)
Reptilian or fish-like scales are typically the most common kind of scales. Scales are small, rigid plates that grow from the skin of a living organism. Plating refers to plates, slabs, etc made of organic material used as armor on the outside of a living organism.
Tail (Common)
Tails are an extension of the backbone and come in many lengths, sizes, colors, textures, etc. All types of tails fall under this category so long as they naturally exist irl. Any mutations/anomalies would be categorized under the Odd Tail trait. As would any tail that does not match with a Drakynn's subspecies. For example, an aquatic tail on a Drakynn with the Beast subspecies would be considered an odd tail.
Hair(NOT FUR) (Common)
Hair is fine, thread-like strands that grow from the skin. In this case we are referring to the hair that grows on an organism head/face. This is a free trait applicable to any Drakynn at any time.
Wings (Common)
Wings are modified limbs to help aid a creature in the act of flying. You can make your wings look however you'd like however, keep in mind that if you make bird wings for example with your Common MYO you would still need the Feathers Trait which would require an item. So make sure to design your wings within the limitations of your subspecies or grab an item from the shop!
Claws/Spikes (Common)
Claws are pointed and hard appendages made of hard material (keratin, gemstone, etc). Spikes are pointed, hard protrusions that can appear in many places on a Drakynn's body and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Common Eyes (Common)
The Common Eyes trait refers to the most commonly occurring Drakynn eyes: Default, Eclipse, White, Slitted, and Goat. Anything outside of these examples would be considered odd and would fall under the Odd Eyes trait.
Common Horns (Common)
Any shape/type of horn so long as they are small to medium in size and length. Anything larger/longer would be considered Rare Horns. This trait can also apply to the use of nose horns. You can choose a single nose horn, a pair of horns, or just horns without a nose horn.
Soft Teeth (Common)
Usually small but can be any size, teeth that are covered in skin. They are typically dull since it would hurt and tear the skin covering the teeth if this were not the case.
Nub Legs (Common)
Nub legs are the norm for Drakynns(these are NOT hooves). Drakynns have calves that are always smaller than their thighs that slim out more and more the closer you get to their feet. Their feet are long and animal-like however, they lack toes and are simply nubs. This trait can be present even when a Drakynn has paws or any other type of foot. Nub feet can be removed for a more normal sized/shaped pair of legs and feet, but this requires an item.
Large Arms/Hands (Common)
Drakynns normally have large forearms and hands. They can vary in shape and size but the forearms and hands are usually always bigger. To achieve more "normal" proportions you would need an item.
Gem Casing (Common)
Gem Casings are a crucial part of a Drakynn's anatomy and lore. They are always present no matter what. They are usually only present on the chest but they can expand far beyond this point and cover as much of your Drakynn as you desire. They can also be any shape or color however, their material must be some type of gemstone or mineral.